Offset Your Paper Footprint
Make An Impact
Using gathered data, the Print More, Plant More program guarantees to certifiably replenish the trees used by each client. The program integrates seamlessly with Cartridge World’s Managed Print Services to offer our customers the opportunity to offset their paper footprint and contribute to global reforestation efforts on a monthly basis.
The Formula: 8,333 pages printed = 1 tree planted
The formula was established through research by Tom Soder at the University of Maine about 30 years ago then published in a book called Recycled Papers. It was then adopted by the print/paper/forestry industry as the most widely accepted formula – primarily through adoption by the Environmental Paper Network (EPN). Their ‘Paper Calculator’ is considered the number one formula for measuring a paper footprint relative to environmental impact. It’s supported and used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Environmental Defense Fund, and a coalition of over 100 other NGO’s.
Let's Get Started
Feel free to give us a call, or you can always stop by our in-store location if you have any questions.