What is an inkjet printer?
Inkjet printers are machines that spray microscopic droplets of ink onto paper. Inkjet printers are generally cheaper, smaller, and can be used to print both text documents and high–quality colored images, especially photos. BUT be wary of cheap inkjet printers as those will end up costing you a fortune later on.
What is a laser printer?
Laser printers are machines that melt toner powder onto paper to create a print. Laser printers are more expensive than inkjet printers upfront and uses pricier toner cartridges but is still a more economical option in the long run with its overall lower cost per page, faster print speeds.
Let’s take a closer look at the strengths and weaknesses of laser and inkjet printers so you can make your next purchase with confidence.
Inkjet Printers vs. Laser Printers: Which One is Right for You?
Inkjet printers have been around for many years and have undergone several advances, making them more affordable and easier to use than ever before. If you’re looking for an affordable home printer that can handle occasional printing, an inkjet printer is probably your best bet.
Laser printers are newer technology and have become increasingly popular in recent years. Laser printers are known for their durability, speed, and low cost per page. If you do a lot of printing, or if you need to print mainly text documents, a laser printer is probably your best choice.
Inkjet printers use ink cartridges to spray ink onto paper. Inkjet printers are generally cheaper, smaller, and can be used to print both text documents and high-quality colored images, especially photos. However, a common complaint with inkjet printers is that the ink dries up if you don’t use it often. With that said, if you have the budget for it, I strongly suggest you get an affordably priced laser printer instead; the toner used by laser printers doesn’t dry up.
Laser printers use toner cartridges to print text and images onto paper. Laser printers are more expensive than inkjet printers upfront, but they are still a more economical option in the long run because of their overall lower cost per page, faster print speeds, and higher durability.
Ultimately, the decision of which printer is right for you will come down to your individual need and budget. If you need a machine that can handle both text documents and high-quality colored images, an inkjet printer is probably your best option. However, if you’ll be printing a small volume of documents and require high-resolution colored images regularly, inkjet printers will get the job done. Laser printers are known to be more durable and can print large quantities of text quickly and accurately, making them a better choice for businesses or individuals who need to produce large quantities of print material on a regular basis.
Printer Speed
Because laser printers print 15 to 100 pages per minute (or ppm)–and inkjet printers only print about 16 ppm–laser printers can produce more documents in a given period of time. Consequently, workplaces typically use laser printers to handle their high-volume printing needs.
Do you still need some help finding the right printer for your business?
Cartridge World RI is here to help you out with all of your printer and copier needs, give us a call or stop by one of our locations today to get an estimate. We also offer a wide variety of print services including remote IT support that can help you get up and running in no time!